Is published monthly and reflects all aspects of local life.
The magazine is a monthly publication available by subscription, or can be purchased from Harbury Library or Post Office.
920 copies are distributed to households within the two villages, with postal subscriptions also available.
The magazine publishes regular articles from local clubs and organisations together with church and Harbury Primary School news. Reports from Harbury and Ladbroke Parish Council meetings are also included. There is a correspondence section and an opportunity for local traders to advertise.
Editorial Office
31 Binswood End, Harbury. Tel. 612155, email.
Articles to
email. or deliver to Harbury Pharmacy, High Street.
Advertising Office
36 Manor Orchard, Harbury Tel. 612687, email.
Distribution Manager
49 Mill Street, Harbury Tel. 612009, email.
By prior arrangement. Tel. 612009
Articles and Letters for Publication
Articles and photographs for publication should preferably be submitted by email to:, or they can be hand delivered to Harbury Pharmacy, High Street, Harbury.
Articles and Letters to the Editors should not be unduly long and the Editorial Committee reserves the right to shorten or edit any material that is submitted for publication. The magazine does not accept articles or letters which do not have an author’s name at the end.
Publication Dates 2024
Issue | Article & Advert Deadline | Distribution |
January | 19/12/24 | 09/01/25 |
February | 20/01/25 | 01/02/25 |
March | 17/02/25 | 01/03/25 |
April | 24/03/25 | 05/04/25 |
May | 21/04/25 | 03/05/25 |
June | 18/05/25 | 31/05/25 |
July | 23/06/25 | 05/07/25 |
August | 21/07/25 | 02/08/25 |
September | 25/08/25 | 06/08/25 |
October | 22/09/25 | 04/10/25 |
November | 20/10/25 | 01/11/25 |
December | 24/11/25 | 06/12/25 |
The magazine accepts advertising on a monthly, quarterly, six monthly or annual basis.
Adverts should be emailed to by the deadlines shown above.
Payment is required at the time of placing the advert.
Email: Tel: 01926 612687
Advert Size | 1 Month | 3 Consecutive months | 6 Consecutive months | Full Year |
1/4 Page | £13.75 | £37.00 | £67.00 | £124.00 |
1/2 Page | £25.00 | £65.00 | £120.00 | £218.00 |
Full Page | £45.00 | £119.00 | £218.00 | £406.00 |
Sue Dronfield, 36 Manor Orchard, Harbury by 20th day of the month
(Cheques payable to ‘Harbury & Ladbroke News’ or BACS details upon request)
Inserts: It is also possible to advertise by placing an insert within the magazine. These need to be supplied by the advertiser, bundled into the appropriate number for each distribution round and delivered to the Distribution Manager. A charge may be made for this service and further details can be obtained from the Advertising Office or Distribution Manager.